You didn't have to be a genius

Publié par ma hao

You didn't have to be a genius


ARTEMIS tried the doorknob and got a scorched palm for his trouble. Sealed. The fairy must have blasted it with her weapon. Very astute. One less variable in the equation. It was exactly what he himself would have done.

Artemis did not waste any time attempting to force open the door. It was reinforced steel and he was twelve. to figure it out reenex , even though he was. Instead the Fowl heir apparent crossed to the monitor wall and followed developments from there.

He knew immediately what the LEP were up to - send in the troll to secure a cry for help, interpret it as an invitation, and next thing you know a brigade of goblin stormtroopers were taking the manor. Clever. And unanticipated. It was the second time he'd underestimated his opponents. One way or another, there wouldn't be a third.

As the drama below unfolded on the monitors, Artemis's emotions jumped from terror to pride. Butler had done it. Defeated the troll, and without a single plea for aid passing his lips. Watching the display, Artemis appreciated fully, perhaps for the first time, the service provided by the Butler family.

Artemis activated the tri-band radio, broadcasting on revolving frequencies.

'Commander Root, you are monitoring all channels I presume ...'

For a few moments nothing but white noise emanated from the micro speakers reenex, then Artemis heard the sharp click of a mike button.

'I hear you, human. What can I do for you?'

'Is that the commander?'

A noise filtered through the black gauze. It sounded like a whinny.

'No. This is not the commander. This is Foaly, the centaur. Is that the kidnapping lowlife human?'

It took Artemis a moment to process the fact that he'd been insulted.

'Mister ... ah ... Foaly reenex. You have obviously not studied your psych texts. It is not wise to antagonize the hostage-taker. I may be unstable.'

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